Numerology Guide

Alams numerology channel where you will find information about name numbers, numerology and its effects on your personality and life. All the numerology information is for your entertainment and informational purpose and is of educational nature.

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    What is in the names?

    Name is an important part of any person and is used as his recognition. You will never ever find anybody in this world who is without a name. when a baby is born the first thing his father and mother does is to give him a name. Most of the parents start their search about the baby names much before his birth. If they don't know the sex of the baby then they select both the sex names and say that if the baby is a boy then we will call him by this name and if we have a baby girl then we give this name to her.

    Due to the advancement in the medical technology now it is very easy to know the sex of the pre-born baby. You can do it easily by consulting your gynecologist who is well-equipped with tools to check the sex of the baby particularly in the last few months before delivery. So if your coming baby is of male sex then you search for boy names from the directory given on this website and if the baby is of female sex you would like to read about the information, origin and language of some good girl names for your sweet doll.

    In addition to this there are a great number of people who prefer unisex names for their babies and there's no harm in it. If you are one of them then you can search the database of unisex names on EjazAlam. Since naming your baby is an important decision to make so you must carryout a thorough research about it because the name you give to your baby will remain with him or her throughout his life, until and unless he opts to change it according to his desire and wish.

    Lets us see what the wise and famous people of their time have to say about it:

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