Leisure Quotes

Best selected leisure quotes by some famous people of their times. These quotes about leisure will motivate and inspire you and will make you much wiser about the subject.

Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure the diligent person will obtain the lazy one never. Benjamin Franklin
In our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are. Ovid
Leisure is the mother of Philosophy. Thomas Hobbes
A hobby is hard work you wouldn't do for a living. Anonymous
In this theater of man's life, it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers-on. Pythagoras
If you have no problems at your job you don't have a job you've got a hobby. Ronald Dunn
When a habit begins to cost money, it's called a hobby. Jewish Proverb
The idea that leisure is of value in itself is only conditionally true. The average man simply spends his leisure as a dog spends it. His recreations are all puerile, and the time supposed to benefit him really only stupefies him. H. L. Mencken
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man's life as in a book. Haste makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time, observe the hours of the universe, not of the cars. What are threescore years and ten hurriedly and coarsely lived to moments of divine leisure in which your life is coincident with the life of the universe? Henry David Thoreau
We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. Gerald Brenan
Leisure is the exultation of the possible. Martin Buber
If you are losing your leisure, look out! You are losing your soul. Logan Pearsall Smith
Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. Samuel Johnson
We give up leisure in order that we may have leisure, just as we go to war in order that we may have peace. Aristotle
Spare minutes are the Gold-dust of time; the portions of life most fruitful in good and evil; the gaps through which temptations enter. Anonymous
He has hard work who has nothing to do. Proverb
Leisure may be defined as free activity, labor as compulsory activity. Leisure does what it likes, labor does what it must, the compulsion being that of Nature, which in these latitudes leaves men no choice between labor and starvation. George Bernard Shaw
When you like your work every day is a holiday. Frank Tyger
It is most important that we should keep in this country a certain leisured class. I am of the opinion of the ancient Jewish book which says ''there is no wisdom without leisure.'' William Butler Yeats
To be at ease is better than to be at business. Nothing really belongs to us but time, which even he has who has nothing else. Baltasar Gracian
What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare? William H. Davies
Life lived amidst tension and busyness needs leisure. Leisure that recreates and renews. Leisure should be a time to think new thoughts, not ponder old ills. C. Neil Strait
It is already possible to imagine a society in which the majority of the population, that is to say, its laborers, will have almost as much leisure as in earlier times was enjoyed by the aristocracy. When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the prospect is not cheerful. W. H. Auden
Cultivated leisure is the aim of man. Oscar Wilde
The basis on which good repute in any highly organized industrial community ultimately rests is pecuniary strength; and the means of showing pecuniary strength, and so of gaining or retaining a good name, are leisure and a conspicuous consumption of goods. Thorstein Veblen
The end of labor is to gain leisure. Aristotle
The busier we are the more leisure we have. William Hazlitt
Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure. Benjamin Franklin
It should be noted that children's games are not merely games. One should regard them as their most serious activities. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne
He does not seem to me to be a free man who does not sometimes do nothing. Marcus T. Cicero
They talk of the dignity of work. The dignity is in leisure. Herman Melville
How many inner resources one needs to tolerate a life of leisure without fatigue. Natalie Clifford Barney
Leisure is a beautiful garment, but it will not do for constant wear. Anonymous
Leisure time should be an occasion for deep purpose to throb and for ideas to ferment. Where a man allows leisure to slip without some creative use, he has forfeited a bit of happiness. C. Neil Strait
He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate. Henry David Thoreau
I'm never less at leisure than when at leisure, or less alone than when alone. Scipio Africanus
People without imagination are beginning to tire of the importance attached to comfort, to culture, to leisure, to all that destroys imagination. This means that people are not really tired of comfort, culture and leisure, but of the use to which they are. Raoul Vaneigem
The most remarkable aspect of the transition we are living through is not so much the passage from want to affluence as the passage from labor to leisure. Leisure contains the future, it is the new horizon. The prospect then is one of unremitting labor to bequeath to future generations a chance of founding a society of leisure that will overcome the demands and compulsions of productive labor so that time may be devoted to creative activities or simply to pleasure and happiness. Henri Lefebvre
If we don't come apart; we will come apart. Vance Havner

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