Inaction Quotes

Best selected inaction quotes by some famous people of their times for you. These quotes about inaction will motivate and inspire you and will make you much wiser about the subject.

One of the best lessons children learn through video games is standing still will get them killed quicker than anything else. Jinx Milea
You won't skid if you stay in a rut. Kin Hubbard
Just as there is no loss of basic energy in the universe, so no thought or action is without its effects, present or ultimate, seen or unseen, felt or unfelt. Norman Cousins
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Zen Saying
Doing nothing is the most tiresome job in the world because you cannot quit and rest. Anonymous
Oh, I'm not going to do anything to them. The thought that I might will be enough to keep them going. Chris Bowkett
A sedentary life is the real sin against the Holy Spirit. Only those thoughts that come by walking have any value. Friedrich Nietzsche
Many are called but few get up. Oliver Herford
Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in. Confucius
If you stand still long enough, you'll get stuck. David Hasslehoff
My friend, why have you drifted so far away? All motion is relative, maybe it is you who have moved away by standing still. Anonymous
It is following the line of least resistance that makes men and rivers crooked. Anonymous
Solve it. Solve it quickly, solve it right or wrong. If you solve it wrong, it will come back and slap you in the face, and then you can solve it right. Lying dead in the water and doing nothing is a comfortable alternative because it is without risk, but it is an absolutely fatal way to manage a business. Thomas J. Watson
Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world. Orison Swett Marden
The sleeping fox catches no poultry. Benjamin Franklin
To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last -- but eat you he will. Ronald Reagan
Anything you do can get you fired; this includes doing nothing. Anonymous
It's better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all. Georges Courteline
To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual. Oscar Wilde
There's as much risk in doing nothing as in doing something. Trammell Crow

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