Advertising Your Business In Electronic Media

To compete in the business world you have to adopt different channels of advertising your business. The aim of this is to convey the information about your products and services to the maximum number of people. Due to the improvement in the living standard of the people, use of electronic media is at a rise. More and more people are using TVs, radios and cables etc for information and entertainment.

If you or your company have sufficient advertising budget then you must opt for advertising your business in electronic media. At present electronic media is playing an effective role in promotion of the products. You can adopt following channels to advertise your business in electronic media:

Electronic Media

Advertising On TV and Radio

This mode of advertising your business is considered to be most expensive of all. TVs and radio channels charge on the basis of seconds and minutes. Therefore you need a large advertising budget for it.

There are two types of ad timings on TV. One is peak time and the other is non peak or normal time. Peak time starts when it is considered that maximum number of people will be watching the TV. This is normally from 8-9 but may start in the evenings. Charges for this time are very high whereas rates for non peak times are comparatively lower.

There are lot TV channels on air now and every channel has different rates depending upon their market share. If you go for 3,6 or 12 months contract, lower rates can be offered to you. Some of the most popular channels like PTV, GEO, ATV charge the maximum rates.

Radios channels like FMs are also gaining popularity in the public. They are mostly listened in rural areas, drivers and ladies working in the kitchen. Cost of advertising is also low as compared to TVs. So you have to consider all these things while advertising your business on electronic media.

Advertising On Cables

In urban areas cables are very popular. Cable operators are providing entertainment channels in a particular locality. These charges are very low, that’s why low income groups who can’t afford expensive dish antennas go for cables to watch 100s of channel at low rates.

You can opt for advertising your business on cables if you want to market your product locally. Since cable operating companies are small scale local businesses so advertising rates can be lower and negotiable.

It is wisely said that there is no business without people knowing about it. So you must consider advertising your business seriously in your business planning. Plan your advertising campaign well and your business will prosper. GOOD LUCK


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