Thomas Fuller Quotes

Best selected Thomas Fuller quotes for your inspiration are given below.

Seeing is believing, but feeling's the truth. ~Thomas Fuller - Truth
Good is not good, when better is expected. ~Thomas Fuller - Expectation
A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings. ~Thomas Fuller - Gossip
Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them. ~Thomas Fuller - Compliments
He knows little, who will tell his wife all he knows. ~Thomas Fuller - Wives
Prospect is often better than possession. ~Thomas Fuller - Expectation
He does not believe that does not live according to his belief . ~Thomas Fuller - Belief
Act nothing in a furious passion. It's putting to sea in a storm. ~Thomas Fuller - Anger
Anger is one of the sinews of the soul; he that wants it hath a maimed mind. ~Thomas Fuller - Anger
He that has a great nose, thinks everybody is speaking of it. ~Thomas Fuller - Appearance
Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked. ~Thomas Fuller - Truth
Never contend with one that is foolish, proud, positive, testy, or with a superior, or a clown, in matter of argument. ~Thomas Fuller - Argument
It is much better to have your gold in the hand than in the heart. ~Thomas Fuller - Gold
Know most of the rooms of thy native country before thou goest over the threshold thereof. ~Thomas Fuller - Learning
Bad excuses are worse than none. ~Thomas Fuller - Excuses
Debt is the worst poverty. ~Thomas Fuller - Debt
Willful waste brings woeful want. ~Thomas Fuller - Waste
Light, God's eldest daughter, is a principal beauty in a building. ~Thomas Fuller - Architecture
A drinker has a hole under his nose that all his money runs into. ~Thomas Fuller - Alcohol and Alcoholism
A good friend is my nearest relation. ~Thomas Fuller - Friends and Friendship
Though bachelors be the strongest stakes, married men are the best binders, in the hedge of the commonwealth. ~Thomas Fuller - Husbands
He teaches me to be good that does me good. ~Thomas Fuller - Example
He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil. ~Thomas Fuller - Sin
A man surprised is half beaten. ~Thomas Fuller - Surprises
If you would have a good wife, marry one who has been a good daughter. ~Thomas Fuller - Marriage
An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with. ~Thomas Fuller - Cheerfulness
Pride perceiving humility honorable, often borrows her cloak. ~Thomas Fuller - Pride
If your desires be endless, your cares and fears will be so too. ~Thomas Fuller - Greed
He that bringeth a present findeth the door open. ~Thomas Fuller - Giving
A man is not good or bad for one action. ~Thomas Fuller - Judgment and Judges
The more wit the less courage. ~Thomas Fuller - Courage
Virtue is the only true nobility. ~Thomas Fuller - Virtue
Poor men's reasons are not heard. ~Thomas Fuller - Poverty and The Poor
With foxes we must play the fox. ~Thomas Fuller - Cunning
Blindness hatred is blind, as well as love. ~Thomas Fuller - Blindness
Contentment consist not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire. ~Thomas Fuller - Contentment
Change of weather is the discourse of fools. ~Thomas Fuller - Weather
All doors open to courtesy. ~Thomas Fuller - Courtesy
Better break your word than do worse in keeping it. ~Thomas Fuller - Promises
Memory is like a purse, if it be over-full that it cannot shut, all will drop out of it. Take heed of a gluttonous curiosity to feed on many things, lest the greediness of the appetite of thy memory spoil the digestion thereof. ~Thomas Fuller - Memory
Today is yesterday's pupil. ~Thomas Fuller - Present
A good garden may have some weeds. ~Thomas Fuller - Faults
When good people have a falling out, only one of them may be at fault at first; but if the strife continues long, usually both become guilty. ~Thomas Fuller - Argument
An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men. ~Thomas Fuller - Determination
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. ~Thomas Fuller - Zeal
He is rich that is satisfied. ~Thomas Fuller - Satisfaction
If you have one true friend you have more than your share. ~Thomas Fuller - Friends and Friendship
Nothing is easy to the unwilling. ~Thomas Fuller - Will and Will Power
Eaten bread is soon forgotten. ~Thomas Fuller - Gratitude
He that has one eye is a prince among those that have none. ~Thomas Fuller - Power
Fame is the echo of actions, resounding them to the world, save that the echo repeats only the last art, but fame relates all, and often more than all. ~Thomas Fuller - Fame
Nothing sharpens sight like envy. ~Thomas Fuller - Envy
He is not poor that hath not much, but he that craves much. ~Thomas Fuller - Appreciation
Old foxes want no tutors. ~Thomas Fuller - Learning
Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. ~Thomas Fuller - Knowledge
A book that is shut is but a block. ~Thomas Fuller - Books and Reading
Deceive not thyself by over-expecting happiness in the married estate. Remember the nightingales which sing only some months in the spring, but commonly are silent when they have hatched their eggs, as if their mirth were turned into care for their young ones. ~Thomas Fuller - Marriage
Soft words are hard arguments. ~Thomas Fuller - Argument
Judge of thine improvement, not by what thou speakest or writest, but by the firmness of thy mind, and the government of thy passions and affections. ~Thomas Fuller - Improvement
A wise man turns chance into good fortune. ~Thomas Fuller - Chance
Search not a wound too deep lest thou make a new one. ~Thomas Fuller - Creation
If a man falls once, all will tread upon him. ~Thomas Fuller - Losers and Losing
Learning hath gained most by those books by which the printers have lost. ~Thomas Fuller - Learning
Let him who expects one class of society to prosper in the highest degree, while the other is in distress, try whether one side ;of the face can smile while the other is pinched. ~Thomas Fuller - Class
There is a scarcity of friendship, but not of friends. ~Thomas Fuller - Friends and Friendship
He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician. ~Thomas Fuller - Disease
Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. ~Thomas Fuller - Alcohol and Alcoholism
We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed. ~Thomas Fuller - Life and Living
We have all forgot more than we remember. ~Thomas Fuller - Memory
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. ~Thomas Fuller - Absence
The weakest and most timorous are the most revengeful and implacable. ~Thomas Fuller - Weakness
The more laws, the more offenders. ~Thomas Fuller - Laughter
What cannot be altered must be borne, not blamed. ~Thomas Fuller - Endurance
Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get em, get em right, or they will get you wrong. ~Thomas Fuller - Facts
A small demerit extinguishes a long service. ~Thomas Fuller - Wrong
A man in passion rides a horse that runs away with him. ~Thomas Fuller - Passion
Thou ought to be nice, even to superstition, in keeping thy promises, and therefore equally cautious in making them. ~Thomas Fuller - Promises
Lavishness is not generosity. ~Thomas Fuller - Generosity
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. ~Thomas Fuller - Misfortunes
Great is the difference betwixt a man's being frightened at, and humbled for his sins. ~Thomas Fuller - Repentance
He is poor indeed that can promise nothing. ~Thomas Fuller - Promises
Haste and rashness are storms and tempests, breaking and wrecking business; but nimbleness is a full, fair wind, blowing it with speed to the heaven. ~Thomas Fuller - Haste
Despair gives courage to a coward. ~Thomas Fuller - Despair
Vows are made in storms and forgotten in calm weather. ~Thomas Fuller - Vow
The devil himself is good when he is pleased. ~Thomas Fuller - Goodness
Charity begins at home, but should not end there. ~Thomas Fuller - Charity
Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help. ~Thomas Fuller - Anger
Memory depends very much on the perspicuity, regularity, and order of our thoughts. Many complain of the want of memory, when the defect is in the judgment; and others, by grasping at all, retain nothing. ~Thomas Fuller - Memory
Good clothes open all doors. ~Thomas Fuller - Dress
Slight small injuries, and they will become none at all. ~Thomas Fuller - Control
Do nothing hastily but catching of fleas. ~Thomas Fuller - Hatred
A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell! ~Thomas Fuller - Paradise
Riches enlarge rather than satisfy appetites. ~Thomas Fuller - Riches
Choose a wife by your ear than your eye. ~Thomas Fuller - Wives
Many come to bring their clothes to church rather than themselves. ~Thomas Fuller - Churches
The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir. ~Thomas Fuller - Inheritance
A fox should not be of the jury at a goose's trial. ~Thomas Fuller - Juries
If it were not for hopes, the heart would break. ~Thomas Fuller - Hope
Purchase not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such will cease to love. ~Thomas Fuller - Friends and Friendship
Don't let your will roar when your power only whispers. ~Thomas Fuller - Will and Will Power
The fool wanders, a wise man travels. ~Thomas Fuller - Travel and Tourism
It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf. ~Thomas Fuller - Peace
God makes, and apparel shapes; but it's money that finishes the man. ~Thomas Fuller - Money
A generous confession disarms slander. ~Thomas Fuller - Slander
A little skill in antiquity inclines a man to Popery. ~Thomas Fuller - Catholicism
Be the business never so painful, you may have it done for money. ~Thomas Fuller - Purpose
Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse ~Thomas Fuller - Travel and Tourism

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