Terence Quotes

Best selected Terence quotes for your inspiration are given below.

Of my friends I am the only one left. ~Terence - Loneliness
To touch a sore is to renew one's grief. ~Terence - Pain
Many a time from a bad beginning great friendships have sprung up. ~Terence - Friends and Friendship
Their silence is praise enough. ~Terence - Praise
You're a wise person if you can easily direct your attention to what ever needs it. ~Terence - Focus
No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience. ~Terence - Age and Aging
I take it to be a principle rule of life, not to be too much addicted to any one thing. ~Terence - Variety
We are all of us the worse for too much liberty. ~Terence - Freedom
They are so knowing, that they know nothing. ~Terence - Knowledge
Nothing is said which has not been said before. ~Terence - Plagiarism
Riches get their value from the mind of the possessor; they are blessings to those who know how to use them, and curses to those who do not. ~Terence - Value
As a person is so must you humor them. ~Terence - Humor
I do not give money for just mere hopes. ~Terence - Chance
I believe because it is impossible. ~Terence - Belief
Lovers quarrels are the renewal of love. ~Terence - Quarrels
You believe easily that which you hope for earnestly. ~Terence - Belief
I hold this as a rule of life: Too much of anything is bad. ~Terence - Excess
I am human and let nothing human be alien to me. ~Terence - Humankind
How often things occur by mere chance which we dared not even hope for. ~Terence - Chance
While the mind is in doubt it is driven this way and that by a slight impulse. ~Terence - Mind
You can take a chance with any man who pays his bills on time. ~Terence - Debt
What harsh judges fathers are to all young men! ~Terence - Fathers
What a grand thing it is to be clever and have common sense. ~Terence - Common Sense
How unfair the fate which ordains that those who have the least should be always adding to the treasury of the wealthy. ~Terence - Justice
Children should be led into the right paths, not by severity, but by persuasion. ~Terence - Teachers and Teaching
Nowadays those are rewarded who make right appear wrong. ~Terence - Appearance

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