Lord Alfred Tennyson Quotes

Best selected Lord Alfred Tennyson quotes for your motivation and inspiration. If you like these quotes by Lord Alfred Tennyson then please consider sharing them with your friends and family.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Knowledge
Her eyes are homes of silent prayers. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Eyes
I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Action
Faultily faultless, icily regular, splendidly null, dead perfection; no more. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Perfection
Either sex alone is half itself. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Men and Women
By blood a king, in heart a clown. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Humor
Better not be at all than not be noble. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Honor
Guard your roving thoughts with a jealous care, for speech is but the dialer of thoughts, and every fool can plainly read in your words what is the hour of your thoughts. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Thoughts and Thinking
Love is the only gold. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Love
Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Change
A day may sink or save a realm. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Time and Time Management
I hold it true, whatever befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Love
Cast your cares on God; that anchor holds. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Anxiety
He will hold thee, when his passion shall have spent its novel force, something better than his dog, a little dearer than his horse. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Wives
A smile abroad is often a scowl at home. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Smile
Forgive! How many will say, ''forgive,'' and find a sort of absolution in the sound to hate a little longer! ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Forgiveness
Faith lives in honest doubt. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Faith
God's finger touched him and he slept. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Death and Dying
Men may rise on stepping-stones of their dead selves to higher things. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Experience
Manners are not idle, but the fruit. Of loyal nature and of noble mind. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Manners
Man dreams of fame while woman wakes to love. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Men and Women
Authority forgets a dying king. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Death and Dying
I am a part of all that I have met. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Meaning of Life
A truth looks freshest in the fashions of the day. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Truth
Battering the gates of heaven with the storms of prayer. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Prayer
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Love
A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier times. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Sorrow
He makes no friends who never made a foe. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Friends and Friendship
A louse in the locks of literature. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Critics and Criticism
My strength has the strength of ten because my heart is pure. ~Lord Alfred Tennyson - Purity

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