How Long To Study For Success?

For students study is the foremost and primary task and they should not think beyond this. A great number of students are marred by two limiting factors for deciding that how long should they study?

1. The amount of time left after their social activities.
2. Their warming up period i.e. coming into the mood to study.

Both of the above factors are considered to be negative elements in study process. GENIUS students never use the leftover time for their studies. Rather they use leftover time for their social activities.


Secondly they just don’t fool around in getting into mood for studies. However if they feel some problems they adjust themselves in just note reading or reviewing exercises. They even start sorting out notes and gather up their courage to stand above all.

GENIUS students aim to make their study periods for at least two hours or so. Research shows that you cannot expect to study efficiently for more than three hours without a break. You cannot expect to work to work for more than eight hours in a day.

The total hours available should be spent as evenly as possible over six or seven days a week. You will be able to learn more by studying one hour for 6-7 days instead of studying 6-7 hours for one day.

Higher grade students need more time for their studies. It can range anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours depending upon their subjects. Such students can plan two hours study in the evenings and then two hours at night. Junior grade students need to complete their homework and then revise what all was taught to them.

Remember “slow and steady wins the race”. The regular studies reinforces what was learnt the previous day before it is forgotten. GENIUS students not only spread their studies over the week but they also evenly distribute it over the month and year.

Too much longer sessions are not effective and long hours study lead to inefficiency and bad health. Make your study time as much productive as you can.


Khudadad Alam is a student, writer and a blogger, a computer geek since his childhood. Presently working as managing editor and SEO consultant at Love to strike the ball off the boundary frequently, likes hunting and swimming. You can connect with him at Facebook